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Robin Hardy's Abbey Lands


Let's Get Real

Face it: with faeries, trolls, Leviathans, and giants, this series is obviously fantasy. To make sure it is grounded in shared human experience, I made the plots focus mainly on relationships between the characters. In addition to that, however, I touched on historical or factual points wherever I could. Let me show you what I mean by the examples below.

(and a free download!)

Example 1

The Passage Flooding

In Book 3, Lord Efran at the Flood, a major plot point involves the Passage overflowing its banks. This map shows why the possibility is a big concern for Westford, the Abbey Lands, and numerous small towns and villages in the area.  The flooding comes at a critical moment in the story. Afterward, Efran asks the notary Ryal, "Was that a miracle?“

Map of the Abbey Lands in relation to the Passage and Westford

​Ryal replies, "No, in that the Passage has flooded regularly in the past, and as I told you, was overdue to flood again. Yes, in the timing. The miracle was in the timing of a natural event. That was no coincidence.” 


​My end note to Book 3 says, "In discussing the parting of the Jordan River so that Joshua could lead the people of Israel into Canaan (Josh. 3:14-17) , commentator Harold Lindsell observes, 'This miracle (or special providential act) may have been one of timing in which an earthquake blocked the river. As recently as 1927 a tremor dislodged some of the cliffs overlooking the river, completely blocking the Jordan for over 21 hours.' (Harper Study Bible, Zondervan Bible Publishers, Grand Rapids, MI, 1980)"

Whether you believe or not that the Jordan was blocked in this manner for the Israelites to cross over, the fact remains that, historically, it has happened. Therefore, I allowed a similar coincidence of timing for the Landers.   

Example 2

The Abbey Hill Acoustics

"The acoustics of the Abbey hill are due to the hill’s plentiful limestone with which the switchback was constructed:


'Mystery of Greek Amphitheater’s Amazing Sound Finally Solved


'Cut the chatter! The ancient mystery surrounding the great acoustics of the theater at Epidaurus in Greece has been solved.


'The theater, dating to the 4th century B.C. and arranged in 55 semi-circular rows, remains the great masterwork of Polykleitos the Younger. Audiences of up to an estimated 14,000 have long been able to hear actors and musicians—unamplified—from even the back row of the architectural masterpiece. . . .


'[R]esearchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have discovered that the limestone material of the seats provide a filtering effect, suppressing low frequencies of voices, thus minimizing background crowd noise. Further, the rows of limestone seats reflect high-frequencies back towards the audience, enhancing the effect.'"  


Aike Shooting

At the end of Book 11 Lord Efran and Leviathan, I added this note: "Whatever you call it—

intuitive, reflexive, instinctive—aike shooting does exist. See here, here, and here (Bonus: ancient sling shots)."

While the videos are impressive, I felt that I needed some written input from archers on how they view instinctive shooting. I landed on TradTalk (a forum for archers who prefer the traditional bow to a compound bow). Here, I found some interesting comments:​


"A good instinctive shooter has a very good photographic memory, his shot execution is better than the norm and has a lot of time in hand to develop his skills."


"I don't aim so much as I yearn. 'You have go to get your mind right.' . . . There is no use focusing on aiming if you do not shoot well enough to hit what you are aiming at."


"For me, the most important part of the instinctive shot comes before the shot. I'll look at the target and sort of imagine the shot. I imagine the whole shot; how it will feel, my form, the path of the arrow and the perfect bullseye. Then I do it just like that. It surprises me how accurate I can be with it sometimes. I don’t really know, consciously, what-all is going on...and probably don’t need to."


"In shotgunning, your mount is critical. If you mount the gun wrong, you may as well not pull the trigger. That is the same as having consistent form in archery. Otherwise, both are shot instinctively at normal ranges. Look where you want the arrow to go and feel it go. There's a lot going on, but if you think about it you will mess it up. That's why it's called instinctive."​


"First, it is not true instinct; that is just a metaphor that has been used for a very long time. . . . Now back to 'aiming' in archery and another main point: left/accuracy has to be set up by the left, the conscious mind. You have to adjust your posture, anchor and the tune of your tackle to shoot down the target line. No aiming off to the side. Practice that until it feels instinctive.


"All that is left is the elevation and the execution. You have to turn that over to the subconscious. And you have to send the conscious off someplace else or it will try to take over and screw things up. Seriously! You have to do that. You have to allow, empower and encourage the subconscious to fling the rock, the ball, the body, the vehicle or the body and trust it to do what it does so well. No cheating; no peeking!


"Numbers guys have trouble with this, accountants, engineers, mathematicians. . . . Children and women learn it easily; some guys you cannot tell anything. You know who you are. But an apt male pupil can sometimes get the hang of it it 15 minutes. If you can get your mind right it is easy."


So it appears that serious archers take the concept of intuitive shooting as a given. Aike is real. 

Example 4

A Small Disk of Sunlight

In Book 14 Lord Efran and the Provision for Wronged Human, Efran goes to the keep to look for help against another threat:

"Looking up to the window above the crucifix, he turned to fix on the morning light streaming in to illumine the first part of the Scripture engraved on a panel embedded in the stone wall: 'For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from Him.' As the sun progressed across the sky, the verses farther down were illumined until, by the end of the day, the whole passage had been lit. Then the following morning, the process began again from the top. As long as you continued to look, you would see and remember the whole thing. It was as inevitable as the sun’s progress across the sky."


In writing this, I drew inspiration from the Salone at Padua: "On entering the door into the Salone, look up at the wall behind you, the south wall and you’ll see part of a ‘calendar' which is in the form of a golden sun that lets the sun shine through the mouth (otherwise known as a pinhole gnomon) from which the resulting ray of sunlight shines a small circle of light on the floor of the hall. At midday each day, the sunbeam crosses a long graduated meridian line set into the floor in 1761 by Bartolomeo Ferracina. This combination is essentially a sundial; not one that tells the hours of day, but only when it is midday – and the day of the year.


"This arrangement of pinhole gnomon and meridian line – a long line on a north-south alignment – forms a perfectly accurate calendar. The point where the small disc of sunlight crosses the black line indicates the day of the year, which is indicated in a scale alongside the meridian line.  At the winter solstice it crosses this black, meridian line at one end and through the year, as the sun changes position in the sky and over 6 months, this crossing point moves to the other end of the meridian line when at the summer solstice – and then travels back again to the winter position over the next 6 months."  (Text and photos courtesy of Italian Reflections) 

The pinhole gnomon in the Salone at Padua
the black meridian line in the floor of the Salone at Padua
Example 5

A Metal Plate in the Head

In Book 18 Lord Efran and the Insurrection, Efran receives such a blow to his head that his skull is broken. He falls into an opening in the Abbey hill, where he remains for several days while no one can find him. When he emerges, he is taken to the doctor, Wallace, who discovers that he has a metal plate fitted into his skull. 

​​If this sounds unlikely for the time frame, have a look at this article in the National Post: "Metal plate fused to 2,000-year-old Peruvian warrior's skull proof of early surgery" with the accompanying photo (courtesy of Skeletons Museum of Osteology).

2,000-year-old Peruvian warrior's skull fitted with a metal plate

The article says, "The man returned from battle with a broken skull that ancient surgeons bound with a metal plate, according to the Oklahoma Osteology Museum.


"The damage was such that the Peruvian healers were compelled to seal the fracture or leave the wounded man with permanent injuries. The warrior is believed to have survived the miraculous procedure — without the use of modern anesthesia or sterilization techniques — experts told Daily Star:  'Based on the broken bone surrounding the repair, you can see that it’s tightly fused together. It was a successful surgery.'"

Speaking of skeletons. . . . 

Illustration for Lord Efran and the Water Giant--it is a huge wave with a face and arms and skeletons in the foam

Click here to open the Notes.

Example 6

Fabric Friends

(and a free download)

Here's the reality: hard as it is to believe, you may get tired of binge-reading my books. So I encourage you to take a break and make something fun. This first project is great for people who have kids or grandkids: a Pajama Eater!

photo of a "pajama eater"--a goofy-looking creature with a zipper mouth to store children's pajamas

I made this from Jodi Bonjour's adorable pattern. See this and other projects at her site Sew Fearless

Here are some other projects I really enjoyed:

an appliqued Santa wall hanging

This little Santa is from 

Patch Abilities

a large Santa appliqued wall hanging

This large Santa is from Curtis Boehringer Quilting

a pond with dragonflies, ferns and cattails

This pond scene is also 

from Patch Abilities.

Now I'm going to offer you a free frog pattern:

a group of stuffed fabric frogs sitting in a chair

I love frogs. And I have grandchildren. So one day I decided to make them frogs. For some reason I kept the pattern, so I've added instructions and compiled it with photos in a PDF. Click the button below to download it. 

All right, you can get back to reading now. 

Example 7

Finish Raising Her

I debated whether to put this piece here or in Funny Short Bits. Anyway, in this excerpt from Book 17 Lord Efran and the Featheringham Ladies, he gets word that his daughter Ella has finally decided to marry the man Efran favored for her, an archer by the name of Quennel.

"Before dinner, Minka had been able to warn Efran not to make much of Ella and Quennel’s getting married. So when they arrived in the dining hall, he merely kissed Ella’s head and patted Quennel on the shoulder. Many others came by their table to congratulate the pair, which attention Ella received graciously, as nothing was expected of her but to look happy. She did that easily.


"Minka allowed herself only to wink at her, which also was well received. Quennel caught it, and narrowed his eyes in speculation of how much she might have had to do with Ella’s sudden willingness to get it done. Minka looked off innocently; since Ella was not talking, no one could prove anything. Thus Minka’s days-old record of not being a busybody was unblemished.


"That evening, Efran fell into bed with great relief over the accomplishments of the day. As he pulled her to him, Minka asked, 'Are you not a little bit sad over your daughter getting married?'


“'Oh merciful God, no,' he said, studying her in bemusement. 'I had no idea what to do with a nearly grown-up daughter; am very glad to let Quennel finish raising her.'”


“'Wha—?' She lifted up in mild umbrage. 'She’s just about the age I was when we got married.'


“'Yes, and I’ve had to finish raising you. It’s been difficult,' he complained.


“'How dare you?' she laughed, falling on him.


“‘Speak the truth in love,’ he quoted in satisfaction, wrapping her up in his arms for the night.


"He closed his eyes definitively and she snorted mildly, snuggling into him."


The photo below is of my mother Ruth on the left and her sisters-in-law Mary and Verna. The latter has said something to make Mary laugh and Ruth almost spit out her drink. Verna is rather proud of herself, raising her brows at Ruth and resting the hand with the cigarette on her leg.

The author's mother Ruth is about to spit out her drink at something her sister-in-law has said.

Now, all of us kids had heard Verna's husband Bob complain about having to finish raising her, as they had gotten married when she was 17 (he was at least ten years older than she).  This must have made a deep impression on me, because ALL of my heroes are significantly older than my heroines. That's just how it was done. At the time of the discussion above, Efran is 28 and Minka is days away from her 17th birthday.*


*I am not explaining here how Efran at 28 can have a marriageable daughter. If you're wondering, you'll just have to read Book 10 Lord Efran and the Runaway Bride. 

Example 8

The Art of Tormenting

In Book 9 Lord Efran and the Provision for a Wronged Husband, one of the books that Adele is given to read in her cavern prison happens to be from my library. Published in 1753 in London, it is titled An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting; with Proper Rules for the Exercise of That Pleasant Art. 

A book published in 1753 propped up by a jester
The title page of a book published in 1753: "An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting; with the Proper Rules for the Exercise of that Pleasant Art"
The first page of a book published in 1753 with the title "An Essay on the Art of Tormenting"

In the first photo, you see the book (7.5 inches tall) propped up by my jester friend. The second photo is of the title page. "A. Millar in the Strand" may be the author, who addresses the First Part to the Master or Husband, etc., and the Second Part to the  Wife or Friend, etc., "with some General Instructions for Plaguing all your Acquaintance." The epigraph from Shakespeare reads, "Speak daggers—but use none." The third photo is the opening of the concluding chapter. 


It says, "General rules for plaguing all your acquaintance; with the description of a party of pleasure. The part my pupils are to act in plaguing all their acquaintance, could not, with any propriety, be placed under either of the foregoing divisions, for their power, in this case arises more from custom and good breeding, than from exterior authority, or affectionate hold of the heart. . . . By all means avoid an evenness of behavior. Be, sometimes, extremely glad to see people; and, at other times, let your behavior be hardly within the rules of good breeding."


Having read most of the book, I will confirm that the machinations it describes are pretty much timeless—but nothing new to Adele.

Example 9

Giggleswick/Scratchy Bottom

I've had way too much fun with names in this series. For locales, the best source is absolutely UK names, and I've consulted lists like this more than once. 

So in Book 15, Lord Efran and the Snobbles, you'll find Sir Nutbin complaining to Sir Ditson about an acquaintance: “'He made off with the cache of walnuts which the Giggleswick/Scratchy Bottom group was saving for our Rhinog Range holiday, worthy Ditson,'  Nutbin

said, almost choking on indignation."

These are real places in the United Kingdom, which I've attempted to pinpoint on the map here. The "G" indicates Giggleswick; the "S" Scratchy Bottom, and the "R" Rhinog Range. Check out the links below to see more about these wonderful places. 



map of the United Kingdom

map from Vecteezy

Example 10

Rice & Crayfish Farming

In Book 6 Lord Efran and Krems, a new leaseholder, Knapp, calls Efran and Minka over to see his rice/crayfish farm. He explains, “The sprouts you see coming up are rice. But living down there in the water with it are crayfish, which eat weeds and pests. Then when we harvest the rice, we can harvest crayfish, as well. They’re becoming very popular here.”​

This is actually done in many parts of the world. In the southern United States, especially Louisiana, the industry is huge and highly technological. I found a more hands-on example in the South China Morning Post. Have a look. 

still from a video of rice and crayfish farmers at work in flooded fields of south China
Example 11

Sad Clown Puppet

In Book 26 Lord Efran at the Faire, I make a passing reference to a "sad clown puppet sitting off to the side." Here's where he came from:

oil painting of a sad clown puppet flopping on a red seat with a ball on one side and a candle in a jug on the other side

My aunt Dorothy Green Moore, a rather well-known artist in our area, gave me this painting when I was 5 years old, sick with the measles. I spent years brooding over why he was so sad, and decided that it must be because no one wanted to play with him. So I kept him around so he wouldn't get lonely. And there you have the reason I write. 

Example 12

Awfyn's Forest Hideaway

In Book 5, Lord Efran and the Graetrix, a boy discovers Awfyn's hideaway in the forest whose door is flanked by large old trees:


"So, when no one happened to be watching (that Tarrant could see) , he went over the bridge to explore just a little. The tall trees encompassed him; the chittering birds talked to him; the undergrowth crunched under his feet. It was another world here—he was almost sure there were dwarfs hiding in the ferns and fairies peeking out from under the mushrooms. And when he looked high up at the treetops, he saw angels among them.


"But the most wonderful thing he found, at the end of a faint path, was a house of trees. He almost didn’t see it at first, as it was so well camouflaged. But when he looked at just the right point between two large trees, he saw a round-topped door with a handle and a lock."

The ancient door of St. Edward's Church in Cotswolds, England, flanked by two huge, ancient yew trees

Above is my inspiration for this scene: the door of St. Edward's Parish in Cotswolds, England. Awfyn's hideout doesn't have the brick, the lantern, and the transom windows, but it counts just the same. 


To Lose Your Heart

At that time, Hartshough opened the front door again, this time to let in Justinian. After weaving his way around the trees, he stopped by the table. “Hello, all.” They greeted him, and paused, as he looked uncharacteristically serious. Settling a pensive gaze on Efran, he said, “May I talk to you for a moment?”


“Yes,” Efran said, rising from the table. Justinian nodded to the stairs, which they ascended at a trot. Minka rose slightly from her chair to see the top of the door to Justinian’s room open and close again, but only partway.


Minka sat back down to forcefully dig into the apple cobbler which Hartshough had placed in front of her. “Oh, this is wonderful! You’re such a wonderful cook, Hartshough!” she called after him.


He appeared at the kitchen door to bow. “Thank you, Lady Minka.” Then he returned to his stove.


“Yes, it’s truly wonderful.” Her eyes flicked up the stairs, but she returned her attention to the wonderful cobbler in front of her. Marguerite and Wendt continued eating quietly. “He is such a treasure,” Minka asserted as if contradicting a contrary opinion. Her large eyes glanced up again. “I’m certainly not going to eavesdrop. That would be shameful.” She took a drink of water and finished off the cobbler while half the serving of meat still sat on her plate.


She sat staring at her empty bowl, then suddenly rose from the table. “Excuse me,” she said mechanically, turning to quietly run up the stairs. The couple remaining at the table laughed silently.


In shame and guilt, Minka edged up along the wall to the crack in the door. Justinian was asking Efran, “When did you know that you were in love with Minka?”


“When?” Efran looked back two and a half years. “In the henhouse. Right away, that first day. She was so—awkward and guileless trying to seduce me. I wanted nothing to do with her.”


“That’s rather contradictory, brother,” Justinian said darkly.


Still looking off, Efran smiled. “I didn’t want to sully her. She was so different from anyone else I knew. Just pure love.”


“But you knew you wanted to marry her?” Justinian asked, probing for what he wanted to hear.


“No. Oh, no,” Efran said, raising his brows in contradiction. “I did not want to marry her.”


“Why not?” Justinian asked, perplexed.


“She was young, too young. She rode all the way to Eurus to bring back her birth certificate from Marguerite, proving that she was of age. But what she proved to me was that she was only days into her majority. Too, too young,” Efran said, shaking his head.


Justinian was almost swaying by now. “Please tell me that you’re glad you married her.”


Efran looked at him. “Do you know what it’s like, to lose your heart?”


“I think so,” Justinian said.


“No, you can’t help but know. You wake up one morning to find a vital part of you has left your body. I didn’t know what had happened. I looked all around for this—this piece that gave me a reason to live, then found it wrapped up inside her. If she even turned away from me, I had to reach out to pull her back. You might as well ask me if I’m glad to be breathing, or eating, or making love. Yes, I am, but only if she’s there with me,” Efran said.


“That, I understand,” Justinian said.


Efran groaned, “This isn’t about Vories, is it?”


“No, no,” Justinian said. He went on to tell Efran something else, but Minka slipped away from the door to tread carefully back down the stairs.



Years ago, my daughter and her husband had a big, goofy mixed-breed dog named Buddy:

large mixed-breed dog with black muzzle and gremlin ears

He was not very bright, and no fence on earth could contain him. But he was the sweetest, most loyal creature you could imagine. 


So when my Dallas detective Sammy Kidman found himself at a point in his life when he needed something that he couldn't put his finger on, he found this gangly beast stranded at a busy  intersection. The name on his collar read, "Bucephalus." Sammy took him home, and Marni let him keep him. Sammy gave him the name "Bubba," and that turned into another story:

the large mixed-breed dog with gremlin ears is on the cover of Robin Hardy's "Sammy: The Consolation of Bucephalus"

You could call it Chataine's Guardian 2.0

© 2025 by Robin Hardy's Abbey Lands. All rights reserved.

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