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Robin Hardy's Abbey Lands

Pick Your Favorites!

You see below two images for each character. Click the button under the image you think fits that character best. After a week or so, I'll save the choice that has the most clicks and find another image to compete with it. You can click as many times as you like. 

When I have two candidates with the same number of clicks, I leave them both up. If you run across images elsewhere that you prefer to any of those below, send me the links via the contact form on the home page, and I will post them here. Also, if I don't have any images up for a character you want to see, let me know. â€‹

Feb. 23, 2025:  Trying to make up for lost time, I've given you 4 new contenders: Minka2, Adele2, Estes1, and Ryal2.  What do you think of the comments? Should I leave them up or drop them?

Efran2: 'I'm gorgeous. Deal with it.' 

Minka2 means it; Minka1 is happy either way.

blonde woman with straw hat and brown jacket
young girl looking pensive

 Adele1 is annoyed by Adele2 trying to draw sympathy votes.

unsmiling blonde woman with straight blonde hair and white shirt
blonde woman slumping on folded arms

Efran1: "Keep it up and I'll correct that for ya."

Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan
Spencer Neville

Same guy in both, only with a hood . . . ?

scowling older man
stern-looking older man with beard in a hoodie

Estes1 tells Estes2, "Bring it on."

young man standing in front of wall, looking off
handsome smiling Hispanic man in black shirt

Toby1 thinks Toby2 is laughing at him.  :(

young boy in purple jacket looking seriously at the camera
young blond boy looking off with a sly smile, arms crossed on table in front of him

Loizeaux1 is green with envy of the younger Loizeaux2

serious man with beard looking directly into the camera
confidant long-haired ethnic man

DW1 is bored by DW2 trying too hard

pensive man with glasses
smiling man in glasses with checkered shirt

Ryal1 is feeling confident over his competition, who thinks it's funny.

smiling older man with gray beard, glasses and beret
older man in denim jacket, laughing

I like both Giardis—gonna be hard to ditch one.

smiling gray-haired ethnic woman in glasses
happy older woman with short gray hair

Giardi first appears in

Book 5: Lord Efran and the Graetrix.

Both Noahs look annoyed with Hassie.

thoughtful blond boy
pensive 12-year-old boy in blue shirt looking off

Neither Hassie cares.

happy little girl in pigtails
happy young girl in a dress and denim jacket standing in a field

Hassie first appears in Book 7

Lord Efran and Master Crowe

All Marguerites are satisfied with the level of airbrushing.


(before makeover)

smiling older woman


(before makeover)

smiling older woman with glasses, wearing a red shirt


(after makeover)

thoughtful woman with short blond hair in a white sweater


(after makeover)

smiling blonde middle-aged woman

Marguerite gets her "makeover" in Book 25 Lord Efran and the Minor Regent.

I want Hartshough to come to my house

kindly older butler
middle-aged butler with a mustache representing Hartshough

Hartshough first appears in Book3

Lord Efran at the Flood

Can you tell that Windry is nuts?

attractive woman with reddish brown hair
self-possessed red-headed woman

Windry first appears in Book 22

Lord Efran and the Half-Bad Faerie


Going to be hard to knock out either Ella. 

happy young ethnic woman
pensive young ethnic girl

J1 has an accident planned for J2.


All four are going to disappear shortly; they've got a double date set up

pretty young girl with brown hair
young girl with light brown hair looking directly at camera
handsome blond man in white button-up shirt
young man in black shirt looking back over his shoulder

I never imagined that a crotchety old man could be a comic character—and with TRINA??

stern-looking older man
scowling old man with a hat

Reinagle first appears in Book 5

Lord Efran and the Graetrix

a puckering young woman with long brown hair holding a lollipop
spoiled young woman rolling her eyes

Trina first appears in Book 6 Lord Efran and Krems 

(but she doesn't become a major player until Book 14 Lord Efran and the Provision for a Wronged Human)

You could call it Chataine's Guardian 2.0

© 2025 by Robin Hardy's Abbey Lands. All rights reserved.

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